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Blog hosting just got better!

Want to run, operate, or have your life consumed in it's entirety by a blog, but don't want to spend a lot of money? Want to host with an established company that offers excellent support, great value, and, dare I say, a sense of humor? Maybe your friends describe you as "cheap"? Feast your bloodshot eyes on this deal:

We, the underappreciated but caring folks at www.maxiumhosting.com, have increased the disk space and bandwidth on our basic blog-hosting package. More than doubled, in point of fact. And yet the price remains the same $ 2.00 USD per month or $ 20.00 per year.

What does your precious two American dollars now get you?

• 50 MB of non-oversold disk space!
• 1 GB of monthly data transfer!
• 1 genuine MySQL database of your very own!

All at your domain or a subdomain of ours, on a fast Linux machine with Apache, PHP, GZIP compression, and all the other usual bells and whistles that nobody ever pays any attention to. FTP, for instance. Cpanel, if you BYOD (bring your own domain). Frontpage extensions. You know, all that cryptic, arcane stuff hosting companies spew onto their websites to impress you with their indecipherably technical geekiness? Included. Offsite database backups made weekly, static content backups made monthly. And the internet connection? The most modern of v.92 56K winmodems, because nothing is too good for our legions of valued customers. Alright, just kidding, the server's at The Plante, on their mighty fine network of big fast pipes. But I had you going there, didn't I?

Tempted? Of course you are. So tempted, you're going to click on one of the following links and then put trembling fingers to sweat-soaked keyboard and email us the usual boring information to set up your account in a prompt and efficient fashion, aren't you? I said, aren't you?

Free blogging software is included to start off

b2evolution (visit site)
Nucleus (visit site)
pMachine Free (visit site)
WordPress (visit site)


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